          第6度空間:水災雲圖顯靈異(1/5) 20090824 第6度空間:水災雲圖顯靈異(1/5) 20090824 小額信貸l.php At 3:03/9:48 That so ca 售屋網lled "資.Sheng.Yan.Yuan.Hate.Myan" is Condi Rice ano 賣房子ther form. "Hate.Myan"-Hate as DarK-K as Con/D as Di - Myan as "Meat.Myan" 烤肉- Meat as "Meat.Fun" - Myan as "Myan.Shore" - Condi Rice - Double confirm Rice as Rise - "Myan.Sh 好房網ore". Condi Rice at least has other Chinese forms as "Jane.Are.Gun" - "Chen.Xin" - "周.Fun.May" - "Sue.Show.Nun"-"Town. 商務中心Nun.What" - "Chin(a).Chin" - "Anita Mui"(May.Yan.Fun - Anita Mui 梅艷芳 said was called "Chain.Myan.女 .Long" that Angus Tung made a song fo 房屋出租r her named "女 人"-"女狼人" His "狼狽.Way.Jane"-"狽.Shore.Jane.Awl". Condi Rice as US Secretary Department head to abuse US national machine power to slave 房地產 powerless lowest level of foreign civilian Angus Tung to force Angus Tung to lie for their sucking shameless USA, that USA Secretary Department head Condi Rice committed that most 褐藻醣膠 abusive crime "Ten.Lead.Nun.容" must be locked the deepest darkest endlessly.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 新成屋  .

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